It is easy to get caught up in all the gift giving and food, but I hope everyone takes time to remeber the real reason we celebrate this holiday. The birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Merry Christmas!
We had a great Thanksgiving meal with our family. The food was exceptional and the time together was priceless. And as you can see the turkey does put people to sleep. I hope everyone had a great day as we did.
Cora is now a Girl Scout. They have a meeting weekly and had there first outing at a pumpkin patch. Being the good big sister she is, she took her little sister along for the fun. And yes all the pumpkins they brought home are now decorating our front porch.
Sara still loves the car her nany and granddad got her for her first birthday, but now she has taken the thrill of riding in it one step further. She now likes to get pushed from the top of the ramp and roll down into the grass. We sometimes get tired of going and retrieving her before she gets tired of the thrill.
We finally broke down and had Sara's haircut. Her aunt Kim came and cut it for her. She did great. It is kinda sad not to see her palm tree bouncing around the house when she runs.
One Saturday I was putting some shelves in a cabinet and when I turned around and she had climbed up on the ladder and wanted to go higher, but thankfully she could not reach the next rung.
This is her new outfit that she picked out to wear to church the when she first got it. She wanted to wear it to a wedding, but mommy said no. So the next morning (Sunday) when asked if she wanted to wear two other outfits first said no to each of them. Then she looked at this one and said "that" and pointed to it. She thought she was special.
I have created this blog to share with family and friends that do not live near me. This way I can keep them up to date on what me and my family are doing.